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AdV-PSL (Pre-mode-cleaner block)
cleva, Gosselin, kefelian - 19:39 Thursday 03 October 2019 (47088) Print this report
PSL status - neoVAN alignement - PMC throughput - PICOLAS swap

Summary of activities done on PSL on the 2 and 3 oct
More analysis coming later

# we check the neoVAN alignement:
no major issue found

# we check the PMC throughput:
- we confirm PMC_Th = 91 % considering as the inciddent power the power PMC reflected when it is not locked
- we confirm PMC_Th = 88 % considering as the incident power the power incident on the PMC

the 3% difference are know since the begining of the PMC life at EGO. A 3% loss in the non resonant optics of the PMC related (hublot enclosure, rear face of the PMC mirror...) mimic this loss. We have no clue yet from where the power is lost. This loss would be outside the PMC rather than intra-cavity loss related.

We use to have 98-99% right after the PMC integration (Jan 2018) using the first calculation mode

# we have swapped the M8 mirror mount with a more stable one (the first Rmax after the neoVAN). Let's see wether it reduces the lg term horiz drift we use to have

# we gave back 56 mW for the squeezing (the dedicated beam was clipped after the swap of the M8 mirror mount, we restore the situation)

# we swap the picolas module. The hope is to remove the 1.151 kHz line with spoil the PSTAB actuation

plot shows the improvement in reducing the 1151Hz line on the neoVAN (PICOLAS module swap), this will help PSTAB in its daily life

# we install 2 Power monitors around the PMC:
in order to get signals more closely related to the optical power at the PMC entrance and gt a more reliable PMC_throughput monitor
- PSL_PMC_PMONIT_Pin: power pickoff through the M12 mirror, with the AOM contribution (1st order diffracted) blocked. It means this is the power at the PMC entrance.
- PSL_PMC_PMONIT_Prefl: identical to PMC_REFL_DC but with a large PD dedicatd for P monitor.


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Comments to this report:
cleva - 21:46 Thursday 17 October 2019 (47269) Print this report

# Effect of the M8 mirror mount swap (last light green square @ 2/10/2019)
- it seems it triggers a slow down of the horizontal drift (yellow line, AMP_Cam_PosX: horiz)
while there is no effect on the newly appeared (end of august) vertical drift (violet line, AMP_Cam_PosxY: vertic)

- The effect on the PMC alignment is not obvious


plot 1 gives the trend on neoVAN & PMC signals after the M8 mirror mount swap (02/10/19) and the neoVAN alignment adjustment

(plot 2 gives the legend of the plot)


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