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Detector Characterisation (Broadband noise)
mwas - 12:19 Wednesday 25 September 2019 (47014) Print this report
Optcial simulation of suspended benches scattered light coupling to sensitivity

Following the measurement last march that end benches scattered light couples through radiation pressure. I have implemented an Optickle simulation of the SNEB, SWEB, SDB1 and SIB1 scattered light coupling transfer function, by adding 1ppm mirrors at their position into the model. This follows the approach implemented by Gabriele Vajent back in 2012, VIR-0254A-12.

The main function for this can be found on the noise budget SVN. Figure 1-4 shows the result in terms of transfer function between bench motion in meters and DARM equivalent noise in meters, assuming the bench backscatter 1ppm of power that perfectly recombines with the ITF beam. The result for SDB1 and SIB1 are of the same orders of magnitude as the Gabriele's result (that were for a different configuration of 125W laser with SR in a detuned position for optimal BNS range). There are two quadratures for the coupling, depending on the microscopic position of the scatterer (the two position are separated by pi/8*wavelength), and I have check that all other position are an interpolation of these two quadratures, as Gabriele also shows in his presentation. The names in the legends are somewhat arbitrary they actually correspond to 0 and pi/8*wavelength microscopic position in Optickle.

Dividing by the arm length (3000m) this transfer function become couplings between bench position and h(t), this couplings transfer functions are available on the SVN. However, the bench scattered light coupling is not linear due to fringe wrapping. Hence the bench motion needs to convert to scattered light phase before using the linear transfer functions.

noise_phase_quadrature = tf_phase_quadrature/3000 * 1.064e-6 / (4*pi) * ASD( sin (4*pi/1.064e-6 *x_bench)))

noise_amplitude_quadrature = tf_amplitude_quadrature/3000 * 1.064e-6 / (4*pi) * ASD( cos (4*pi/1.064e-6 *x_bench)))

Whether the sin or the cos of the bench position needs to be used for each quadrature in the equations above may not be correct, but it doesn't matter in this application as the bench position sweeps many fringes so the spectrum of the sin and the cos are the same. I then assume that the two coupling paths add in quadrature. This is not correct as the two may interfere, but at most frequencies one of the coupling paths dominates over the other. So only where two couplings cross the projection may be too small by a factor sqrt(2) (if the interference is constructive), or by overestimated (if the interference is destructive).

This can then be applied to project the noise of suspended benches and measure their back-scatter in terms of PPMs, as the transfer function scales as the square root of the back scattered power.

For SDB1 and SDB2 there are measurements available from March 2019

Figure 5 shows that for SDB2 the back scatter projection matches perfectly the measured coupling in h(t). And it corresponds to 0.0002 PPM of back scattered power. However for the B1 path there is a Faraday isolator on SDB1 that filters out light back scattered by SDB2. Assuming a 37dB rejection, this correspond to 1PPM of light back scattered by the bench itself.

Figure 6 shows that for SDB1 the projection does not work well. It may be that the back scattered light doesn't couple through DARM, but through a different loop (for example MICH). Or that the dominating back scatter is not on the B1 path, but on the B5 path.

Figure 7. For SWEB (and SNEB) there are no recent injection (they are planned for the October break). But for SWEB nature provides injections whenever the sea is stormy. Taking here data from April 4th 2019 at 7:10 UTC. The scattering is not sufficient to dominate h(t) raw (before B7, B8 subtraction), but the scattered light coupling can be measured directly by measuring the transfer function between B8 and h(t), and using it to project the B8_DC spectrum. This is shown in dark red on the figure. In light red the projection using the modeled transfer function and the fringe wrapped motion of SWEB is shown. It matches very well if a back scatter of 0.005 PPM is assumed.





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Comments to this report:
gouaty, mwas - 14:42 Wednesday 25 September 2019 (47016) Print this report

The attached figures show the projection of the scattered light noise on SDB2, SDB1, SWEB, at a time of good sensitivity and low microseismic noise (time start = Apr 10 2019 00:33:36 utc, duration = 180s). The projections use the exact same transfer functions as the one shown in the initial entry.

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mwas - 13:43 Wednesday 02 October 2019 (47064) Print this report

There was a factor 2 error in these simulation in the computation of the DARM -> B1 power transform function. As a result the transfer function were understimated by a factor 2 and the fitted backscattering values over estimated by a factor 4.

Figure 1-4 show the corrected transfer functions for SDB1, SIB1, SNEB and SWEB.


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mwas - 10:12 Tuesday 22 December 2020 (50303) Print this report

I have added to the scatter light optickle model a path for the B5 beam.

On figure 1 is show the back scatter light coupling for the B1 beam on SDB1, and on figure 2 for the B5 beam on SDB1. At high (>100Hz) frequency the coupling is 15 times smaller on B5, so the same noise arrises if there is 225 times more scattered light on B5 than on B1. But the B5 beam is not behind a Faraday isolator, so actually the same scattering on B5 creates a 7 times larger signal that on B1 behind the Faraday isolator. So B5 quadrants/photodiodes might be the dominant source of scattered light coupling

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mwas - 12:11 Wednesday 10 February 2021 (50732) Print this report

Figure 1. Also added scattered light coupling model for SPRB. The transfer functions look identical to the SIB1 case, but a factor 70 smaller.

Slow large amplitude shaking of SPRB where not able to produce a measurable coupling of scattered light into h(t). One can assume that SPRB back scatters 0.01ppm of light into the intereferometer (which is the order of magnitude for SNEB/SWEB VIR-1155B-19).

Figure 2. Under that assumption the projected scattered light during that injection is at least a factor 10 below h(t), which explain why it is not seen in h(t).

Figure 3. Shows the projection during a time of bad weather, assuming the SPRB local controls are a good sensor of the bench motion. It shows between 10Hz and 20Hz a noise that is a factor 30 below the sensitivity curve.

Figure 4. The reality is actually better. SPRB local controls are mostly seeing the ground motion wrt the well isolated bench, if one substracts from it the motion of the ground seen by the PR local controls the scattered light shelf moves well below 10Hz. It is compatible with O5. Ie the noise curve for O5 at 10Hz is 1e-22, and this projection during bad weather is a factor 10 below that.


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