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AdV-PAY (Payloads Control)
R. Cavalieri, F. Nenci, F. Paoletti - 15:07 Wednesday 20 February 2019 (44944) Print this report
Relay Box replacement @ NE & WE

This morning we removed the old version of the relay box  and we installed the new one. The value of the WE and NE resistors has not been changed.

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Paoletti - 16:03 Wednesday 20 February 2019 (44945) Print this report
we found WE (only) relay box connections "swapped" between DL and UR Coil: this has no effect in the overall control system (the software knows it, I suppose), but if sometime someone would act on the single relay/coil opening or closing the switch, there could be an error in sending the right command to the desired coil.
Attached a photo that shows the ORANGE cable (DL Coil) inserted in the Third position (counting from left side), and the RED cable (UR Coil) inserted in the second position.
The right order (as in remaining F.P. towers) is (from LEFT to RIGHT): yellow=UL, orange=DL, red=UR, brown=UR
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Boschi, Majorana, Ruggi, Sposito - 15:59 Tuesday 18 February 2020 (48482) Print this report

This morning the WE mirror coil channels have been re-arranged in order to match the other FP towers (UL, DL, UR, DR). The associated DSP code, including the mirror driving matrix, has been modified accordingly.

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