I looks like our case is different. Indeed the two measured quadratures lay on an ellipse, see fig. 1, and by the way the ellipse is slightly rotated with respect to the axes.
On the other hand the two demodulation quadratures of B1 at 7 MHz do not have sinusoidal shape, see fig. 2 fist plot. But the ratio of the two quadratures has the exact shape of the tangent of the demodulation phase, see fig. 2 second plot. Indeed, the arctan of this ratio is exactly equal to the demodulation phase, see fig2 third plot.
If we scale one of the two quadratures by a factor, e.g. we multiply the I quadrature by 2 to reach the same amplitude of the Q quadrature, we indeed get a distorted phase from the arctan of the ratio of the quadratures, see fig. 3.
So it seem that the 7 MHz demodulation is correct. The effect can be explained with a change of the magnitude of the 7 MHz with the demodulation phase, which is apparent in fig. 2 second plot.
The reason for the changing magnitude, and the relation with the measured squeezing are currently under investigation.
The shape of the measured squeezing versus demodulation phase, as well as the shape of the B1 7 MHz magnitude versus demodulation phase, can be explained by considering that the output of the squeezer contains two sidebands at +/-7MHz from the carrier with unequal amplidudes, see note in attachment.
The first figure in attachment shows the comparison of measured data with such model, for three different values of the nonlinear gain. Data are in good agreement with g=3, which is close to the most plausible value according to the AEI team.
The second picture shows the resulting nonlinear relation between the demodulation (measured) phase at 7 MHz and the phase of the coherent control laser.