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Virgo Runs (C9)
bersanetti - 5:21 Sunday 20 May 2018 (41474) Print this report
Comment to Issue with Acl signals (41467)

The problem is more widespread, and it is related to the GPS issue some Acl servers have been suffering lately; the processes were stuck logging the same sequence each second (see attachment) and not receiving any command.

I restarted SSFS_Ctrl, ASC_Acl, SNEB_Photodiodes, SWEB_Photodiodes, SDB1_OMC, ISYS_Acl; after the restart the issue was not present anymore.


The ITF was locked again in LOW_NOISE_3.


Side notes:

  • since before the beginning of the run the sidebands power SPRB_B4_112MHz_mag is much lower (~60%) than before (see figure), but the stability of the alignment loops is the same, so the other signals, so its seems just rescaled; this seems to have happened after a restart of the SPRB_Photodiodes process on Friday afternoon;
  • i found that the dampers MIR_Z_ON are off on both the NI and WI mirrors, I don't remember if this is expected; the North Cavity in particular is moving quite a lot after an unlock.
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