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Detector Operation (Operations Report)
Nenci - 22:58 Tuesday 25 July 2017 (38836) Print this report
Operator Report - Evening Shift 25 July

The shift has been dedicated mainly to the loop characterization update ( entry #38833 ).

Minitowers - SDB1

16:25 - 16:59 LT- B5 beam drift control disabled via VPM in order to allow a work on the beam dump.


since this afternoon at about 16:30 UTC we have gray flags on DMS for "LaserAmpli", "LaserChiller" and "InjectionAli" (expert informed).


23:00 LT - ITF locked in LOW_NOISE_3 with Hrec ~ 18Mpc

Comments to this report:
dattilo - 1:33 Wednesday 26 July 2017 (38838) Print this report

The grey flags were denoting missing channels from the LaserAmp processes.

Following the procedure in WikiOperators, I found that the relevant servers (ServerMbAdsMB on Olwin and LaserAmp/EER on Astor) were both off.  So at around 00:40 LT I started these servers and then performed a reload of FbsAlp collect process.  After these actions the channels were again available and the DMS flags back to green (see attached plot).

As can be noted from the plot, it is worth to mention that before the period of data missing (stared around 18:30LT), the data were flat starting from around 10:00 LT.  This is even worse, because it is misleading for the DMS: indeed they remained flat at a value within the DMS tresholds, that therefore remained green till the above said  event of data missing.

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mohan - 12:04 Wednesday 26 July 2017 (38845) Print this report

Unless I misremember previously the DMS detected when a signal went flat and set the DMS flag to grey?

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