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bersanetti, ruggi, hoak - 1:42 Friday 27 January 2017 (36231) Print this report
Locking shift

Tonight's shift didn't see any major improvements w.r.t. yesterday, as the ITF was less stable and the PRITF configuration was more affected than usual by glitches and oscillations; as we didn't get any further than MICH_SET = 0.3, rather than pushing with repetitive trials we focused a bit on some 'side' things:

  • we began implementing a CARM_SLOW loop, which uses the RFC error signal once it is out of loop (i.e. when CARM is controlled with the Mode Cleaner) and corrects at low frequency; this is still a first implementation and the filter can surely be optimized, but it is promising. In Figure 1 you can see some minutes of data of our test; for this purpose there is a new CARM_SLOW_on() function in the script. Note that it is already implemented in the CARM_DARM_LOCK node as a possible follow-up state, but I have to integrate it in ITF_LOCK once we decide the best moment to engage the loop. The LSC_Acl process already takes care of resetting everything in case of an unlock;
  • we did a new TF measurement of the DARM, MICH and PRCL loops in the PRITF configuration at half fringe (Figures 2 to 4), with the new driving matrix for the decoupling of MICH and PRCL; while PRCL and DARM do not show any issue, we can still see the shrinking of MICH's phase bubble when the PRCL loop is closed.

I leave the ITF in the Recombined configuration.

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