Environmental Monitoring (Environmental Monitoring)Carbognani, Dattilo, Ruggi - 16:45 Wednesday 15 June 2011 (29666)
Print this report (29653)Indeed it seems that this monitoring action has create some troubles in the PR and INJ crates which cause is not jet clear. During the troubleshooting all cables on the crates were carefully visually inspected without finding any problem.
Events sequence has been the following:
1) INJ and PR Gx signals disappear from the DAQ
2) Checking in DAQ room we could see that the TOLM on rioprb and rioibb were not blinking in transmission.
3) By restarting the GxS process we could restore the data transmission (also by unplugging/plugging the transceiver on the MuxDemux board channel receiving Gx INJ)
4) Everything seemed fine on PR side and control loops could be closed
5) GxS data on injection were instead not consistent so we decided for a create switch off/on sequence.
6) After the restart everything was fine on INJ side
7) While trying to relock, we could not go over Step 3 and Paolo realized that 4 channels on reference mass coil were not effectively actuating.
8) We decided then to switch off/on also the PR create and this solved all problems.
During PR restart we had a problem of TOLM message header corruption after DSP card download. This should be a completely separate problem and is being investigated at the moment.