Repetition of the analysis made in the entry 18332 about the use of the etalon effect prediction to characterize the input mirrors and the end benches alignment.
Same plots, but the following differences respect the previous entry:
- new data (Julien realigned also the NE bench)
- new chi2 minimization alghoritm (based on fminserach of MATLAB)
Figure #1: usual temperature and transmitted power behavior: evident the first WE bench realignment @~872003760 and the successive NE realignment @~872434800
Figure #2 & 3: the etalon behavior measured and "fitted". Note that the fit is of good quality for the NI and instead the B8 misalignment spoiled the measurement of the mirror characteristics of the WI
Figure #4: the predicted and measured transmitted power fits well at the beginning of the run and then a misalignment started first in the WE bench and then in the NE bench. The two realignment performed by Julien in the last two weeks restored a good condition, as shown in the 5th figure and mainly in the 6th, where the chi2 is computed. Although Julien said that the NE beam looked already almost aligned, the effect on the transmitted power model is impressive.
In the attached table are reported the mirror recontructed characteristics .... WI still doubth.
mirror | R (ppm Ar coat) | dn/dT (K^-1) | Tmax (C) |
NI | 136 | 0.86E-5 | -0.4316 |
WI | 270 | 0.75E-5 | -0.3786 |