Reports of 60367
Virgo Runs (O4b)
gherardini - 6:56 Thursday 23 January 2025 (66040) Print this report
Operator Report - Night shift
The ITF kept science mode all the shift.

- guard tours (UTC):
23:05 --> 23:40
1:20 --> 1:55
4:05 --> 4:40
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Virgo Runs (O4b)
Sposito - 22:55 Wednesday 22 January 2025 (66039) Print this report
Operator Report - Afternoon shift

Today, I found ITF in SCIENCE.

16:30 UTC: COMMISSIONING activities started.

16:30-16:52 UTC: I performed the scheduled ISC injections (SSFS).

16:54 UTC: CALIBRATION activities started.



17:52 UTC: I attempted to perform the CALIBRATED_DF_INtoEND_LN, but for some reason, we started to lose data. After conducting an investigation, I called the expert, A. Masserot. He found that to resolve the issue, he had to act on SUSP_Fb, but we are still unsure about what caused the problem.


21:07 UTC: ITF back in SCIENCE

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Virgo Runs (O4b)
berni - 15:00 Wednesday 22 January 2025 (66034) Print this report
Operator Report - Morning shift

ITF found in Science mode.

ITF unlocked at 8:15 UTC; relocked at the first attempt. Science mode set at 9:12 UTC.



Taking advantage of the unlock at 8:15 UTC I recovered SNEB vertical position with step motors.

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AdV-ALS (End arm injection)
masserot - 14:20 Wednesday 22 January 2025 (66035) Print this report
Glitches on NARM CEB

The 2 first plots shows that there is a lot of glicthes on the NARM_CEB signals at 158MHz , since the maintenance period

The last plot show the evolution, from 2024-08 to 2025-01-22, of the NARM_BEAT_{DC,157MHz_mag} and of the WARM_BEAT_{DC,154MHz} signals

  • a realignment was performed the 2024-11-15  which allowed to recover a correct value for the  NARM_BEAT_157MHz_mag close to 0.1 and for WARM_BEAT_154MHz_mag  close to 1.2 .
  • one can observed that
    • the WARM_BEAT_154MHz_mag is almost  greater than 0.1
    • wihile for the NARM_BEAT_157MHz_mag 
      • it has decreased to be close to 0.08 since the December,2024
      • and it started to decrease and to be close to 0.05
  • The  threshold is set to 0.03 for NARM_BEAT_157MHz_mag and WARM_BEAT_154MHz_mag
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AdV-ISC (Alignment control scheme conceptual design)
rolland - 12:10 Wednesday 22 January 2025 (66038) Print this report
Comment to Exploration of alignment offsets vs carrier and optical gain (65944)

Here are some images taken during the Maintenance on January 14th (logbook 65974), with PCal laser on and off. In these images, there is not the main ITF beam.

  • figure 1: trend data around the images. The two red arrows on the last plot show the times of the NE and WE images, the arms were not locked.
  • figure 2: NE and WE images with PCal at 1.3 W
  • figure 3: NE and WE images with PCal laser off (warning: the color range of the WE image is strongly zoomed).

The spots from the PCal benches seen by the NE and WE cameras are clearly visible, and are not related to the big spots discussed in the initial logbook entry.

There is also a small spot visible which must be the scattering from the main PCal beam: around (4000,2500) for NE and around (4500,3000) for WE. The spot looks stronger on WE, could be hint of more scattering from WE, but the camera calibration is not known.


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AdV-DAQ (Calibration)
masserot - 12:01 Wednesday 22 January 2025 (66036) Print this report
Comment to NE PCal alignment check (to investigate 0.8% power mis-calibration) + NE,WE Pcal sensing noise measurements (65974)

Today  only the numerical noise computation is performed, none mitigation of this noise is done .

The plot compares the channels related to the photodiodes, the ones related to the filter computation and the filtering numerical noise with (purple) and without(blue)  PCAL lines .

From this plot, the numerical noise (DigitalNoise_corr) remains at the same level with or without the PCAL lines, meaning that the observed extra noise is not due to the filters computation

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AdV-SVS (Pre-commissioning)
lagabbe - 11:38 Wednesday 22 January 2025 (66037) Print this report
Comment to QD2 repair in EDB (66033)

Figure 2025-01-21_EDB_scheme.png is the scheme of the EDB optical bench. The QD2 photodiode (circled in red) was replaced by the QD4 photodiode circled in blue.

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Virgo Runs (O4b)
menzione - 6:01 Wednesday 22 January 2025 (66032) Print this report
Operator Report - Night shift

SCIENCE mode acheived at 22:37 UTC. It remained lock for the whole shift.

Guard tour (UTC):
18:50 - 19:25
20:30 - 21:10
22:10 - 22:35
00:20 - 00:56
04:00 - 04:35

Sub-system reports

SBE_SNEB_ACT_F0V_raw_50Hz out of DMS threshold (fig3).
Experts informed.

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AdV-SVS (Pre-commissioning)
lagabbe, vardaro, zendri - 23:40 Tuesday 21 January 2025 (66033) Print this report
QD2 repair in EDB
Today during the maintenance we investigate the reason why the QD2 quadrant-photodiode on the EDB bench was not working. The Interferometer was in single-bounce configuration. In this configuration the incident power on QD1 is 1.5 mW while that in QD2 1.0 mW

First we fixed the alignment of QD2 with the laser beam, which was misaligned as shown in figure 1. After this we realized that the sum signal of the 4 QD2 photodiodes was significantly larger than that of QD1 (6-7 Volt instead of about 2 Volt). Furthermore, contrary to the case of QD1, once the signal arriving at the photodiode was masked, “0” volts were not obtained in the sum channel but only a slight decrease of the order of 1 volt. This was an indication that there were also electronics problems.

For this reason we decided to use the QD4 photodiode electronics (fourth QPDio-BASE from top in figure 2 ) which is currently not used, in place of the QD2 ones (second from top). Since this did not completely solve the problem we finally replaced the QD2 sensor with QD4. In this final configuration the photodiode sum signal appears to work correctly except for a negative sign and go to zero when the photodiode is masked. After investigation, it appears that the sign of the QD1 signal has been inverted in the config file "EDB_QD_AA.cfg", but not the sign of QD2 signal. So the four weights on lines 4 weights of line 1306,1307,1308,1309 has been changed from 1 to -1 finally getting the expected signal.

In conclusion, in the position of the second QPD used for alignment, the QD2 sensor has been replaced with the QD4 sensor with the relative QPDio-Base electronics. All the cables initially connected to the QD2 QPDio-Base box have been connected to the QD4 QPDio-Base box, so from the point of view of the DAQ channels nothing has changed, that is, the channels for alignment are still QD1 and QD2 (see figure NewConfig.png).

Finally the QD2 sensor has been removed and taken to the Padova/Trento office to be tested with the spare electronics.
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lagabbe - 11:38 Wednesday 22 January 2025 (66037) Print this report

Figure 2025-01-21_EDB_scheme.png is the scheme of the EDB optical bench. The QD2 photodiode (circled in red) was replaced by the QD4 photodiode circled in blue.

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Virgo Runs (O4b)
gherardini - 22:58 Tuesday 21 January 2025 (66029) Print this report
Operator Report - Afternoon shift
Once solved this two problems: the DET_MAIN metatron node that get stuck after the ITF unlock trying to close the shutter (thanks to Michal) and the WI TCS chiller that switched off again (thanks to Marco and Gianmatteo); the ITF was locked at LOW_NOISE_3 and the scheduled commissioning activity started (ENV: acoustic injections and tapping test at west end), the work carried out by Irene and Maria went on without any problem, activity completed and science mode started at 20:06UTC; ITF unlocked at 21:38UTC, relock in progress...
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Environmental Monitoring (Environmental Monitoring)
fiori, tringali - 22:29 Tuesday 21 January 2025 (66031) Print this report
Comment to WE scatter light investigation (64481)

The objective of today's campaing is investigating the 123 Hz bump . We performed the following actions:

  • Figure 1. repeated broadband acoustic injections in the sme configuration. This time the peaks excited in hrec are evident and similar to what observed in the past. Confirming that the broadband excitation observe in was most likely do to the effect of high microseism. A small structure at 123Hz is likely present
  • Tappings in several locations (60 s each). Details are in the attached log file. A summay is the following:
    • SW NE and NW metallic structure around holding point - we find similar results as in the past
    • SWEB flange facing WE mirror - excited 165 Hz peak in hrec - Figure 4
    • link pipe - no effect in hrec
    • SWEB chamber - no effect in hrec
    • Viewport on AR side - bump at 90 Hz in hrec, 230Hz peak in B8: similar frequencies are excited in WE accelerometers; Figure 2
    • WE tower belly, excited at  90 and 167 Hz in Hrec and B8, Figure 3
  • Sound beating:
    • we tested a few frequencies around 120 Hz (123, 123.5, 120, 133...). We observed in all cases a corresponding modulated excitation in Hrec. Data are to be analyzed to find correlation with modulation in accelerometers.
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Injection system (General activities)
spinicelli, montanari, cavalieri, carbognani - 15:50 Tuesday 21 January 2025 (66027) Print this report
Installation of new temperature probe on the neoVAN head

In view of the installation a new security guardian for the neoVAN head, today we installed a new PT100 temperature probe (see fig. 1-2) in parallel to the existing one (ENV_PSL_AMP_TE), that is directly connected to the guardian (fig. 3) and will be used as trigger for the interlock.

For the time being, the guardian is in acquisition mode only (no interlock signal will be sent) as we want to check the robustness of the new probe for some days.

We also added two new channels in order to monitor the guardian data:

  • INJ_LLAB_Neovan_TE :

which monitors the temperature seen by the new probe (values to be divided  /10 for the moment)

  • INJ_LLAB_Neovan_OverTempTrig

which monitors the trigger of the guardian:

1 = normal,
2 = pre alarm,
3 = alarm – neoVAN OFF

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AdV-DAQ (Data Acquisition and Global Control)
masserot, vandewalle - 15:46 Tuesday 21 January 2025 (66028) Print this report
Comment to DAQ: Acl v1r35p17 on SNEB(rtpc8) and SWEB(rtpc9) rtpcs (66023)

To recover the correct ALS signals for ALS lock,  the SWEB and SNEB LC TX and TY set points have been restored with the latest values before the restart of the server .

AdV-DAQ (Calibration)
grimaud, rolland - 15:37 Tuesday 21 January 2025 (66020) Print this report
Comment to NE PCal alignment check (to investigate 0.8% power mis-calibration) + NE,WE Pcal sensing noise measurements (65974)

Looking at the measurement made during the last maitenance we realised that when the PCal permanent lines were on, the noise level of the photodiodes was increasing compare to when the lines were off (see plot 1 were the reference plot is without permanent lines compare to with permanent lines with standard amplitude)
We did some more test to see were this is coming from on WE during maintenance today.

1/ Testing line injection with CALNoise
2/ Testing lines injection with PCal_Fast

1/ Testing line injection with CALNoise

First we acted on WE PCal lines using CALNoise, we switched the lines off and then tried to switch back on one line at a time to see which one were causing the noise to rise.
WE PCal has 3 permanent lines at the following frequencies and amplitude :
- 36.28 at 1.5e-3
- 38.5 at 2.0e-3
- 994.5 at 200.0e-3

The amplitudes were choosen in order to get the same SNR on all injected lines.

When putting one line at a time it appeared that the issue was coming from the 994.5 Hz line only (see plot 2 with reference plot without lines compare to when we inject only the 994Hz line).
We wanted to see the threshold in amplitude were the noise starts to increase. To test this we changed the amplitude of the 994.5Hz line starting at 2.0e-3 up to 37e-3 were we started to see the noise increase.
See plot 3 where we compare the noise without injection to the one where the 994Hz line is injected at 37e-3 amplitude.
Something intersting to note is that the noise level of Tx_PD1 and Tx_PD2 is higher for the 37e-3 amplitude than it was when injecting at 200e-3 and also when injecting all the lines at normal amplitude. It is not clear why.

We did the same test for the 38.5 Hz line to see if we would see the same effect by increasing the amplitude and the same thing append around ~30e-3.
See plot 4 comparing without lines to injecting the 38.5 Hz line at 37e-3.

Timestamps (For 60 s each time)

  • Cutting line off --> 8h15'15''
  • 38.5Hz (2.0e-3) --> 8h22'30''
  • 36.7Hz (1.5e-3) and 38.5Hz (2.0e-3) -->8h25'30''
  • 994.5Hz (200e-3) --> 8h28'00''
  • 994.5Hz (2.0e-3) --> 8h32'30''
  • 994.5Hz (20e-3) --> 8h34'45''
  • 994.5Hz (40e-3) --> 8h38'00''
  • 994.5Hz (30e-3) --> 8h40'00''
  • 994.5Hz (35e-3) --> 8h41'40''
  • 994.5Hz (36e-3) --> 8h43'00''
  • 994.5Hz (37e-3) --> 8h44'40''
  • 38.5Hz (37e-3) --> 8h46'15''
  • 38.5Hz (10e-3) --> 8h47'45''
  • 38.5Hz (20e-3) --> 8h50'15''
  • 38.5Hz (30e-3) --> 8h53'00''
  • 38.5Hz (31e-3) --> 8h55'45''

2/ Testing lines injection with PCal_Fast

One of the hypothesis on this is that it could be caused by communication issue with CALNoise. To test this we tried injecting the same lines but using the PCal _fast process directly.
Fisrt we tried to inject the 38.5Hz line at 2.0e-3 amplitude to check that it was working but accidentelly injected a noise at 10e-3. After this we were able to do the other injections but we noticed that the noise level of Tx_PD1, in particular, was higher without the calibration lines than it was before (see plot 5 where we compare the noise without noise injection that was acquired at 8h15'15'' at the beginning of this test, to the noise acquired at 9h32').

Then we tried to see if we could reproduce the same noise increase seen in the previous test with CalNoise. First we tried with the 38.5Hz line and found that the amplitude needed to get the noise increase was more around 50e-3 rather than the 37e-3 seen in the previous test (see plot 6 for the injection of 38.5Hz line at 50e-3). We did the same thing with the 994.5Hz line and found that the noise increase was seen around an amplitude of 30e-3  (see plot 7).

We also did another inejction at low frequency at 4.5Hz at 30e-3 of amplitude to see how it affected the noise level. In plot 8 we can see that it increase the noise in the same way than with the 38.5 and 994.5Hz lines.

To conclude it does not appear that this increase in noise is coming from using CAlNoise as using directly PCal_fast is not improving the noise level.

Timestamps (For 60 s each time)

  • accidentely injected a 1e-3 noise  --> 9h08'13''
  • Cutting lines off --> 9h09'15''
  • 38.5Hz (2.0e-3) --> 9h31'00''
  • Cutting lines off --> 9h32'00''
  • 38.5Hz (2.0e-3) --> 9h33'40''
  • 38.5Hz (37e-3) --> 9h34'50''
  • 38.5Hz (50e-3) --> 9h36'05''
  • Cutting lines off --> 9h37'20''
  • 994.5H z (200e-3) --> 9h38'30''
  • 994.5H z (30e-3) --> 9h40'15''
  • 994.5H z (20e-3) --> 9h41'30''
  • 994.5H z (30e-3) --> 9h43'10''
  • cutting lines off --> 9h44'20''
  • 4.5Hz (30e-3) --> 9h45'00''
  • 4.5Hz (20e-3) --> 9h46'10''
  • Cutting lines off --> 9h48'00''
  • Putting normal lines back on --> 9h48'50''
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Virgo Runs (O4b)
amagazzu - 15:01 Tuesday 21 January 2025 (66015) Print this report
Operator Report - Morning shift

ITF found in LOW_NOISE_3 and in Science Mode. At 7:00 UTC I set the ITF to Maintenance Mode, here the list of activities communicated to the Control Room so far:
- Cleaning of Scientific Area (External firm managed by Ciardelli)
- At around 7:50 UTC, Checks on TCS Chillers (Ciardelli)
- From 7:35 UTC to 10:30 UTC, Acl Update on rtpc8/9 (Masserot)
- From 7:35 UTC to 9:50 UTC, Check on WE Pcal noise (Rolland)
- From 8:00 UTC from 9:10 UTC, Check of TE/HU regolation in DetLab (Soldani)
- Elevators safety checks (External firm managed by Fabozzi)
- From 8:20 UTC to 10:20 UTC, New temperature probe on NeoVan's head (Montanari, Sposito, Cavalieri, Spinicelli)
- From 8:25 UTC to 9:05 UTC, realignment of CEB ALS Pickoff (De Rossi, Melo)
- From 9:40 UTC to 12:30 UTC, B1s quadrant check (Zendri, Lagabbe)

To allow the B1s quadrants check, from 9:38 UTC to 12:30 UTC the ITF was set in Single Bounce NI configuration with DET_MAIN Shutter open. From 12:30 UTC I started to relock, while there was no action needed to recover the Infrared cavities, it was soon visible that the WARM ALS was not locking anymore. Investigation on the issue in progress.

Since yesterday morning at 11:53 UTC the WI Chiller has been automatically replaced by the Backup one. This morning Ciardelli verified the status of the cooling units and, after checking their water levels and cleaned thei floats, he restored the system at around 7:55 UTC. It was kept under observation during the maintenance, but at 13:06 UTC the guardian swapped again the WI chiller with the backup. Investigation in progress.

From 7:30 UTC - 5 minutes of OMC Lock
From 7:38 UTC to 7:59 UTC - OMC Scan

TCS Power Checks

W on the pickoff  0.281 0.025 0.260
N on the pickoff  0.622 0.053 0.602
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Detector Characterisation (Glitches)
direnzo - 14:57 Tuesday 21 January 2025 (66013) Print this report
Comment to Overview of glitch populations in the first half of January (66010)

From the UPV results, I couldn't find correlations with the (safe) SDB2_B1_* channels. The channels tested with UPV+VetoPerf are listed in the attached TXT file. However, I explored this possible relationship using a different approach, which I will describe in detail below.

To complement the primary visual identification of glitch families described in #66010, I applied clustering algorithms to the glitch triggers identified by Omicron during this time frame. Specifically, I used the DBSCAN - Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise algorithm, an unsupervised clustering method that groups data points based on their density in the parameter space of Omicron triggers.

For this analysis, I selected triggers with SNR > 10. The classification results are shown in the glitchgram in Figure 1, where different colors represent the glitch families identified by the algorithm. While the clustering is not perfect, and the choice of glitch features and hyperparameters was not optimized or cared in detail, the results align with the observations described in the original post. In particular:

  • The 25-minute glitches are clearly identified (brown markers).
  • Scattered light is recognized as distinct families in the correspondence of recent days of bad weather (blue markers).
  • THe high-frequency glitches of the last days are identified, whose rate has significantly increased since January 19, as previously reported (orange and, possibly, red markers).
  • Other intermediate-frequency glitches are recognized, although less distinctly (purple markers).
  • Crosses correspond to triggers not classified by the algorithm and are therefore identified as "noise."

This clustering analysis confirms the visual classifications in the initial post and provides additional insights into the structure and onset of the glitch families.

Focussing on the "purple glitch family," these are characterized by very large SNR and frequency at peak in the bucket. Therefore, to study the relation with the B1 saturation, I selected glitch triggers with SNR > 300 (and frequency at peak >90 Hz, although not necessary to further restrict the selection). The selected glitches are shown in the gitchgram in Figure 2. I compared the GPS times of these glitches with the times where the B1 saturation flag was active, represented by the vertical lines. Blue vertical lines correspond to times when this flag was active and fell within a delta_t of 2 seconds from the selected high-SNR glitches. Gray lines correspond to B1 saturations not corresponding to the previous glitches. The result doesn't change significantly by increasing the delta_t up to some tens of seconds (the lower limit is given by the resolution of trend channels).

Comparing blue and grey lines, using a minimum SNR threshold of 300, 68.59% of the high-SNR glitches have a flag nearby. These are the percentages obtained by changing the threshold:

SNR threshold Coincidence [%]
100 57.60
300 68.59
500 74.9
1000 70.32

In the central panel of the same image, I reported the hourly rate of high-SNR glitches and B1 saturations. There seems to be a clear correspondence between the two curves. These results support the hypothesis by Michal that high-SNR glitches are associated with saturations of the B1 photodiode.

In Figure 3 I report the detail of a day with many high-SNR glitches and many B1 saturations.


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Detector Characterisation (Glitches)
spinicelli - 13:22 Tuesday 21 January 2025 (66025) Print this report
Comment to Overview of glitch populations in the first half of January (66010)

Concerning the PSL/INJ side, since the last SL Temp controller failure, the PSTAB corrections increased more then the usual trend of the last days (see fig.1).

This morning, we brought back the temperature of the amp head at its nominal one (since the beginning of the year), however, this didn't recover completely the AMP power (see fig. 2).

However, the PSTAB noise has been improved, the related glitches in Hrec should be reduced now.

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Injection system (Operation)
spinicelli - 13:11 Tuesday 21 January 2025 (66024) Print this report
Comment to Neovan chiller filter swap (66022)

The setpoint of the chiller has been lowered by one additional degree in order to bring back the neovan head around 25⁰

AdV-DAQ (Data Acquisition and Global Control)
masserot - 11:45 Tuesday 21 January 2025 (66023) Print this report
DAQ: Acl v1r35p17 on SNEB(rtpc8) and SWEB(rtpc9) rtpcs

The Acl servers running on the SNEB's rtpc and the SWEB's rtpc have been restarted with the latest Acl release v1r35p17 .

The main motivations were

Operations performed

  • between 2025-01-21-08h13m16-UTC and 2025-01-21-08h47m26-UTC for the SNEB's rtpc
  • between 2025-01-21-10h00m41-UTC and 2025-01-21-10h05m24-UTC for the SWEB's rtpc
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masserot, vandewalle - 15:46 Tuesday 21 January 2025 (66028) Print this report

To recover the correct ALS signals for ALS lock,  the SWEB and SNEB LC TX and TY set points have been restored with the latest values before the restart of the server .

Injection system (Operation)
melo, derossi, spinicelli - 11:09 Tuesday 21 January 2025 (66022) Print this report
Neovan chiller filter swap

This morning we swapped the Neovan chiller filter with a new one since the PMC_TRA power was slowly decreasing in the last week in correspondance with a temperature increase of the Neovan head. We also lowered the set point from 18 deg to 17 degrees.

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spinicelli - 13:11 Tuesday 21 January 2025 (66024) Print this report

The setpoint of the chiller has been lowered by one additional degree in order to bring back the neovan head around 25⁰

Virgo Runs (O4b)
derossi, melo - 10:43 Tuesday 21 January 2025 (66021) Print this report
Comment to Lower power on input beam pickoff for ALS, SQZ and phase cameras (65948)

This morning we repotimized the injection in the pickoff fiber (see attached plot).

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AdV-DAQ (Data collection)
kraja, cortese - 10:27 Tuesday 21 January 2025 (66019) Print this report
Comment to DAQ : missing data period since 2025-01-01 (65990)

On the underlying infrastructure, we have had 3 correlated storage disconnections, that match the two events on 10th of January ( 2025-01-10-01h10m-UTC and 2025-01-10-04h44m-UTC ) and the first one on 15th ( 2025-01-15-04h15m-UTC ). 
The other two have no corresponding events on the underlying infrastructure. 
The problem is the same one that happened the last few times, due to the overload on the fileservers, in addition to the increased latency due to the new version of fault tolerance management on the underlying infrastructure. 
The vendor has been informed, but seems to be impossible to improve, at the moment, on the infrastructure side, since all the necessary fine-tunings have been implemented. 

AdV-DAQ (Calibration)
vanhove, mours, masserot - 9:52 Tuesday 21 January 2025 (66017) Print this report
Restart and Check of NCal control using relative thresholds with new acl version
During this morning maintenance, the acl version has been updated to v1r35p17 that enables relative thresholds for the control of rotor frequencies.
After acl update, We first restarted successfully the setup with previous absolute threshold.
Then we moved to relative threshold with following lines

define {ROTOR-REL-PARAM} "1 0.01 0.1 0.5 0.95" in "NEB_NCal.cfg"
ACL_PULSE_CH_OPTION {NCAL}_rotor ncal {ROTOR-REL-PARAM} in "NEB_Ncal_shared.cfg"

With this new setting, all rotors successfully reached their nominal frequencies and phases.
Computers Network (Storage)
salconi - 9:37 Tuesday 21 January 2025 (66016) Print this report
Data / archive - some folders will be unavailable
Due to a file system migration, the following folders:


can be unavailable for some hours.
The file hosted by folders will be replicated in the next hours, so don't worry if some files seems to be missing.

Virgo Runs (O4b)
menzione - 6:12 Tuesday 21 January 2025 (66014) Print this report
Operator Report - Night shift

The ITF kept SCIENCE mode all the shift.

Guard tour (UTC):
23:00 - 23:40
01:00 - 01:45
03:30 - 04:10

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