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Detector Characterisation (Spectral lines)
direnzo, tringali - 15:12 Wednesday 17 April 2024 (64000) Print this report
Sideband structure around the 50 Hz mains line

Continuing the investigation of the spectral noise on the first week of O4b data, we found an interesting structure of "wandering sidebands" around the 50 Hz line. (S

Figure 1 shows the spectrogram in the region 42-58 Hz around the frequency of the electric mains. Two pairs of wandering sidebands are visible at 44 (Figure 2) and 56 Hz, and at 46.7 (Figure 3) and 53.3 Hz (Figure 5).

The oscillations in frequency, especially those of the 44 and 56 Hz lines, are the same as those of the 50 Hz line (Figure 4) but enlarged by many (~20) times: ~0.50 Hz vs ~0.025 Hz

Additionally, taking advantage of a couple of glitches present in the analyzed data period (the vertical lines), we notice that the 44 and 47.3 Hz lines are synchronous with the 50 Hz line. Also, the 53.3 Hz line seems to have the same phase, while the one at 56 Hz is flipped vertically: Figure 5.

The search for bilinear couplings with MONET highlighted that the 46.7 and 53.3 Hz sidebands are produced by the modulation of the mains line (ENV_CEB_UPS_VOLT_R_2000Hz) and the ASC_DIFFp_T{X,Y} angular control channels: Figure 6 and text file.

A barely negligible coherence has been found for the lines at 44 and 56 Hz; just a 0.1 with SDB1_LC_TX at 56 Hz: Figure 7. This could be a consequence of the large variations in the frequency of the line, which dilute the cohere over multiple frequency bins and, averaged gets small.

Of course, the same structure is present around the other harmonics of the 50 Hz line.

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Tringali, Spinicelli, Fiori - 18:11 Thursday 18 April 2024 (64018) Print this report

As Piernicola confirmed, the sidebands at 46.7 Hz and 53.3 Hz are the beating between 50 Hz and DIFFp_TX line at 3.3 Hz (purple curve).
Indeed, when the DIFFp_TX line was set to 4.8 Hz, there were two sidebands at 45.2 Hz and 54.8 Hz, respectively (blue curve).

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direnzo - 18:33 Friday 19 April 2024 (64035) Print this report

ERRATA CORRIGE: the sidebands at 44 and 56 Hz are non-physical. These are just an aliasing artefact, consequence of an improper chunk-by-chunk downsampling to produce the resulting spectrogram.

Figure 1: fixed version of the spectrogram in the range 42-58 Hz.

Figure 2: animated GIF that compares the correct spectrogram and the wrong one in the main entry.

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