Since Feb 4th 2025, in addition to the 25' glitches, there are high SNR glitches present in DARM and in h(t) about 10 to 20 times per day. They cover a large frequency band from 10 to above 1000 Hz. The consequence is for each glitch a large decrease of BNS range (which triggers gating) and maybe sometimes a not proper online noise subtraction as described in elog#66149.
Plot1 and plot2 show the median-normalized spectrograms of h(t) on Feb 3 and on Feb 7, in the frequency band 200-1000 Hz, where we can see more numerous glitches on Feb 7.
Plot3 and plot4 show the SNR of glitches detected by Omicron on Feb 3 and on Feb 7, where we can see almost only the 25' glitches on Feb 3 while the higher SNR glitches are visible on Feb 7.