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Virgo Runs (O4c)
menzione - 22:50 Friday 07 February 2025 (66150) Print this report
Operator Report - Afternoon shift

DRAFT - REPORT  IN PROGRESS - will be finalized at the end of the shift
ITF found in LOW_NOISE_3 in SCIENCE mode. 

At 14:23 UTC, for a minute, I exit from SCIENCE due to a big glich of the BNS Range, below 20 Mpc.

16:50 UTC - SQB2 vertical position recovered.

Guard tour (UTC):
18:40 - 19:20
21:50 - 

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Comments to this report:
verkindt - 11:28 Saturday 08 February 2025 (66155) Print this report

You should not go out of science mode because of a large decrease of BNS range. State vector online or DQ flags offline will take care of that.
Plot1 shows that BNS range drop occured 1 minute before you go out of science mode and that DQ_ANALYSIS_STATE_VECTOR  has CAT1 bit set to 0 while glitches occured.
Plot2 shows that several large band glitches occured in h(t) and in DARM and produced the BNS range drop.
Going out of science mode has flagged as bad some data that may be ok for data analysis.

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