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AdV-DET (Commissioning)
mwas - 20:48 Tuesday 10 December 2024 (65778) Print this report
SWEB local controls noise injection

Locked in LN2 and enable BS TX in full bandwidth by hand
This made the loop to start oscillate at ~0.45Hz and after ~30s saturate B1s and cause an unlock

Figure 1. Loop oscillation at ~0.45Hz starting immediately when engaging BS TX in full bandwidth with the detector in LN2.

Relocked to LN2 at 18:42 UTC and stayed there for ~20 minutes, then
continued to LN3 as some slow oscillation was starting to grow with a
period of ~30s. All the inverse pendulum are in yellow state, so this
is probably an earthquake arrving. So these data is not a good
reference to judge if LN2 without BS TX in full bandwidth is a stable
interferometer state.

19:10 UTC (4min) reference data at beginning of LN3

~19:19:40 reloaded SWEB_LC config instead of external by mistake

19:15 UTC (4min) - SWEB TX injection, 1e-2 amplitude, 20Hz-1kHz bandpass, clearly excites narrow resonances on B8 DC but not the ~120Hz bump
19:21 UTC (2min) - SWEB TY injection, 1e-2 amplitude, 20Hz-1kHz bandpass, nothing visible on B8
19:24 UTC (4min) - SWEB TY injection, 5e-2 amplitude, 20Hz-1kHz bandpass, many resonances on B8 DC excited, but not the ~120Hz bump
19:29 UTC (4min) - SWEB TZ injection, 1e-2 amplitude, 20Hz-1kHz bandpass, clearly excites narrow resonances on B8 DC but not the ~120Hz bump
19:34 UTC (3min) - SWEB Z injection, 1e-2 amplitude, 20Hz-1kHz bandpass, nothing visible on B8
19:37 UTC (4min) - SWEB Z injection, 5e-2 amplitude, 20Hz-1kHz bandpass, clearly excites narrow resonances on B8 DC but not the ~120Hz bump

19:43 UTC (4min) - reference period with no injection

I will try to add tomorrow clear spectra of B8 DC during the various injections.

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Comments to this report:
mwas - 8:21 Thursday 12 December 2024 (65789) Print this report

Figure 1 shows the spectra of B8 during the 4 types of SWEB local control injections, and two references, before and after the injections. There are many narrow peak excited, 79.7Hz, 127.3Hz, 135.3Hz, ... but the much wider bump at ~121Hz is not affected at all by the noise injections.

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