ITF found in LOW_NOISE_3_SQZ and in Science Mode. At 15:30 UTC I set the ITF In commissioning Mode to perform the planned measurements:
15:32 UTC - ENV injections, concluded at 16:14 UTC;
16:16 UTC - INJ Injections (, concluded at 16:36 UTC;
16:38 UTC - Measurement of checkHrec, NE,WE,BS,PR,SR optical responses, and sensitivity, concluded at 17:33 UTC;
17:34 UTC - Measurement of actuators response for NE,WE actuators and NI,WI,BS marionnettes , concluded at 18:11 UTC;
ITF back in Science Mode at 18:39 UTC. It unlocked at 20:23 UTC, relock in progress.
Sub-system reportsDAQ
This afternoon, at around 20:40 UTC, I went to the DAQ room to replace the Tranceiver of the MUX/DEMUX 12 Slot 10 to try to restore the INJ missing data. Unfortunately even after it was replaced with a spare it showed the same behavior (no blinking LEDs). Expert informed of the issue.
At around 15:05 UTC the vertical loop of SQB2 opened, triggering a strong oscillation on the related LC_TY.
From 18:12 UTC to 18:39 UTC I acted on SQB2 Motor3 to return LC_Y close to its setpoint. Position loop closed at 18:36 UTC, the horizontal loop opened soon after (as it was previously during the last weeks) while the vertical loop remain closed. At 18:38 UTC I also opened and closed the Angular loop to stop the oscillation of LC_TY.