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AdV-TCS (CO2 laser projector)
lorenzini, nardecchia, berni - 11:55 Tuesday 21 May 2024 (64310) Print this report
CO2 piezo-driver test

This morning, we performed some tests on the NI CO2 laser piezo actuator in preparation for the possible CP drum mode (expected at 2.8 kHz (63854)) Q factor measurement.

We injected sine lines at 4 different frequencies (85 Hz, 1040 Hz, 2040 Hz, 3040 Hz) with 4 V amplitude (in fig.1 and fig.2 two examples are shown) measuring the response amplitude on the NI_CO2_ISSIN photodiode. 

We found that the response of the laser power is consistent with a cut-off frequency around roughly 2500 Hz.

At low frequency the measured response is in agreement with the values that we obtained on Feb  13th 2024 (63258). 

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