ITF at 18W Connected to DET EE room small coil at platform, Close to DT TURBO pump ENV_DT_TURBO_MAG - fluxgate magnetometer since 9:30 UTC close to Turbo pump cable behind VAC rach (DET terrace) (X) direction perpendicular to cable - 401Hz peak is ~50nT/sqrtHz since 10:00 UTC - (Z) direction along the cable - 401Hz peak is ~10nT/sqrtHz since 10:13 UTC - (Y) other direction perpendicular to cable - 401 Hz peak is ~ 10 nT/sqrtHz since 11:45 UTC - (X) probe is closer to the turbo pump (see picture)- reading is ~ 1 nT/sqrtHz Note: probe actually is at similar distance from pump body and cable NEED TO MOVE THE PROBE CLOSEE TO THE PUMP THAN THE CABLE.... ENV_DT_MAG_N,V,W is at about 0.2 nT (bit stronger in V, which is also coherent on a bunch of other peaks around 400 Hz and other multimples of 100Hz.... see saved Figure) Around 11:45 UTC unlock due to visitors entering CEB New lock at about 12:30 UTC small coil SDB1 tower SOUTH side, SW corner. (aligned to reference markers) sweep 8-600 Hz, 5V, 300s axis EW UTC 13:19:31 to 13:25:06 axis NS UTC 13:27:20 to 13:32:42 (effetto piu' grosso) axis VERT UTC 13:36:08 to 13:42:24 small coil at SDB1 tower base E side, EN corner, aligned with reference marker axis EW UTC 13:59:20 to 14:05:14 axis NS UTC 14:06:33 to 14:14:05 axis VERT UTC 14:15:24 to 14:20:43 small coil at SDB1 tower base N side, NW corner, aligned with reference marker axis EW 14:30 glitch UTC 14:33:15 to 14:38:37 (effetto abbastanza grosso) axis NS (effect is very large) MANY modes are CLEARLY excited: ABOUT 30, 80, 97, 110, 120, 140, 157, 197, 407 .... UTC 14:39:19 to 14:45:26 NEED to measure these modes and compera with TAPPINGS and SDB1 shakings from the Marionette ... axis VERT UTC 14:46:15 to 14:52:42 (also now excitations are visible) glitch UTC 14:54 Maria is on platform next to NI ... she did not unlock !! glitch at 15:18 Maria disconnects cables of coils NI mirrors from the relais box: UL, DL, UR, DR 15:18 - 15:19 now Hrec is noisier (50Hz and 1/f2 noise) but we can see the glitches.... glith at 15:42 (!!!!! noooo) glitch again at 16:05 15:06 to 15:08 reconnect coils: UL, DL, UR, DR