21 jan WE sweep ENV_NOISE_WEB ENV_WEB_MAG_SMALL_COIL_CURR_MON small coil at 2nd stage platform sweep 8-330 Hz, 5V, 300s axis EW (?) 9:54 10-00:18 axis NS 10:03:38 10:09:07 axis VERT 10:10:38 10"16:51 coil at WE tower base (picture taken) axis EW 10:26:30 10:32:01 axis NS 10:32:52 10:39:47 axis VERT 10:40:45 - 10:42:32 (stopped because of a glitch) 10:43:22 (start again) 10:49:16 >>>>>> new lock SDB1 tower note: in all the injections below we see these peaks excited: 29, 87, 110, 115, 120, 122, 157.8, 163, 197, 201.5,219.5, 232.4, 411, ENV_DT_MAG_COIL_CURR_MON ENV_NOISE_CEB_DetTerrace sweep 8-1000 Hz, 5V, 300s SW corner axis EW 12:47:46 UTC 12:55:55 axis NS 12:58:08 we wait for a second round (1000 to 8 Hz) because the first round was polluted by some scattered light (triggered by Maria's movements) and the excitation of some structures around 34.5 Hz and 36-38 Hz 13:09:11 seems that thre are structures in hrec around 34.5 and 36-38 which breath .... NO: they are calib lines, no such excitation is seen in LSC_DARM, or hrec_raw. axis VERT 13:10:26 13:18:31 SDB1, platform, SW axis EW 14:33:25 14:38:48 axis NS 14:40:26 14:46:36 axis VERT 14:47:47 14:53:35 new lock DET LAB ENV_DT_MAG_COIL_CURR_MON ENV_NOISE_CEB_DetEEroom coil SDB1 base NE corner axis EW 15:44:35 15:50:28 axis NS 15:52:54 15:58:23 axis VERT 15:59:31 16:05:22 SDB1 base NW corner axis EW 16:16:15 16:21:35 axis NS 16:23:15 (it seems here the coupling is stronger) 16:28:11 axis VERT 16:29:45, glitch at 16:32 16:33:10 16:34:59 start agian, good one, and LAST ONE!!!! 16:40:36 looking at the CURR_MON we observe that beside the line, we are also injection some broadband noise this broadband noise grows in amplitude when the line aproaches 1000 Hz Another think we notice is that AFTER we have stopped the injection the ACL restarts from the f_start and injects a few seconds of a new sweep. We bring the setup in EE room coil at SIB1, SW corner axis EW ENV_IB_MAG_COIL_CURR_MON ENV_NOISE_CEB_EEroom test injection 17:29 to 17:31:35